MOEs Elite Rewards:

Buy One,
Grow the Family, and Earn Up to 100% Back!

MOEs Elite Rewards:

Buy One,
Grow the Family, and
Earn Up to 100% Back!

Elite Vanguard:

  • Number of Members: 5

  • Benefits: Exclusive rights to choose PFP, wield decision-making power, and receive 100% of direct sales and royalties from the next PFP minted.

  • Family tree: Stand as foundational members with no ties to preceding Kamis, serving as the "Founding Fathers".

Top decision-makers with 100% of direct sales and royalties from the next NFT.

"Join the Elite, Get Your Investment Back Instantly!"

Family Tree Membership System

Elite Vanguard:

  • Number of Members: 5

  • Benefits: Exclusive rights to choose PFP, wield decision-making power, and receive 100% of direct sales and royalties from the next PFP minted.

  • Family tree: Stand as foundational members with no ties to preceding Kamis, serving as the "Founding Fathers".

Top decision-makers with 100% of direct sales and royalties from the next NFT.

"Join the Elite, Get Your Investment Back Instantly!"

Family Tree Membership System

Exotic Council:

  • Number of Members: 50

  • Benefits: Entitled to 75% of direct sales and royalties from the next PFP minted.

  • Family tree: First 5 Exotic Council Kamis are directly linked to one Elite Vanguard member each. Subsequent Kamis in this tier are connected in sequence, forming a continuous chain that branches from the preceding Exotic Council Kami.

Key influencers with 75% of direct sales and royalties, forming a heritage chain linked to the Elite Vanguard.

"Influence the Future and Reap 75% Rewards!"

Golden Assembly:

  • Number of Members: 100

  • Benefits: Receives 50% of direct sales and royalties from the next PFP.

  • Family tree: The initial 5 members of this group are each linked to the concluding 5 members of the Exotic Council. Successive Kamis continue the chain, each linked to the previous member within the Golden Assembly.

Supportive base with 50% of direct sales and royalties from the next NFT.

"Become Part of the Assembly and Gain 50% Returns!"

Moe's Fellowship:

  • Number of Members: 200

  • Benefits: Earns 25% of direct sales and royalties from their subsequent PFP.

  • Family tree: The initial 5 members are each connected to the last 5 members of the Golden Assembly. Each following Kami is linked to the previously minted Moe's Fellowship Kami, maintaining a continuous narrative and financial chain.

Entry-level tier with 25% of direct sales and royalties from the next NFT.

"Join Moe's Fellowship and Enjoy a 25% Share!"

How It Works:

After each sale, the next NFT (ERC-721) is automatically created with the previous buyer's wallet address directly embedded in the smart contract.

This method strengthens the narrative, embedding each new NFT within the existing family tree and fostering a connected, community-driven storytelling experience.

The financial rewards are instantly transferred to the appropriate members without any additional handling, maintaining a seamless and efficient process.

This ensures that the correct percentage of direct sales and royalties is linked to the corresponding Family Tree Membership.

How It Works:

After each sale, the next NFT (ERC-721) is automatically created with the previous buyer's wallet address directly embedded in the smart contract.

This method strengthens the narrative, embedding each new NFT within the existing family tree and fostering a connected, community-driven storytelling experience.

The financial rewards are instantly transferred to the appropriate members without any additional handling, maintaining a seamless and efficient process.

This ensures that the correct percentage of direct sales and royalties is linked to the corresponding Family Tree Membership.

Incentive for Promotion:

  • Elite Vanguard (5 Kamis): The pinnacle of influence and benefits, initiating the family tree.

  • Exotic Council (50 Kamis): Expands the narrative, with the first 5 linked to Elite Vanguard and subsequent ones forming an internal chain.

  • Golden Assembly (100 Kamis): Extends the narrative further, starting from the last of the Exotic Council and continuing through its own chain.

  • Moe's Fellowship (200 Kamis): Represents the broadest base, starting from the tail end of the Golden Assembly and extending the longest chain.

Visualizing the Heritage Chain of Influence:

  • Every member of the family tree is motivated to promote upcoming PFPs to maximize returns. This system leverages shared goals to enhance profit opportunities while nurturing a heritage chain dynamic.

Incentive for Promotion:

  • Every member of the family tree is motivated to promote upcoming PFPs to maximize returns. This system leverages shared goals to enhance profit opportunities while nurturing a heritage chain dynamic.

  • Elite Vanguard (5 Kamis): The pinnacle of influence and benefits, initiating the family tree.

  • Exotic Council (50 Kamis): Expands the narrative, with the first 5 linked to Elite Vanguard and subsequent ones forming an internal chain.

  • Golden Assembly (100 Kamis): Extends the narrative further, starting from the last of the Exotic Council and continuing through its own chain.

  • Moe's Fellowship (200 Kamis): Represents the broadest base, starting from the tail end of the Golden Assembly and extending the longest chain.

Visualizing the Heritage Chain of Influence:

Interconnected Narratives and Benefits: This structured family tree membership system not only rewards members financially but also integrates them into a deep, evolving story. Each member's Kami is not just an artwork but a chapter in the grand saga of Zentharis, with their narrative importance echoing their tier's influence and financial stakes. This method fosters a unique engagement where members are incentivized to promote not just for financial returns but to enrich the storyline they are part of.

Interactive NFT Tales: Revolutionizing Storytelling

Revolutionary Storytelling Model:

  • Unique Interconnected Tales: The MOEs Elite Rewards system pioneers an innovative approach to storytelling within the NFT space. In this model, each character is intricately linked to the one preceding and following them, weaving a continuous thread of shared narratives within the family tree. This dynamic allows each NFT owner to not only possess a piece of art but to also hold a crucial fragment of a larger, evolving tale.

Handcrafted PFPs:

  • Exclusive, Handmade Artistry: Unlike standard NFT drops that release vast collections in one go, MOEs Elite Rewards introduces a bespoke approach. Each PFP is meticulously handcrafted, emphasizing quality and uniqueness. This craftsmanship ensures that every piece is not only a work of art but a personalized segment of the overarching narrative.

  • Minting Upon Purchase: To preserve exclusivity and maintain narrative integrity, PFPs are minted as they are sold, directly contributing to the heritage chain. This method ensures that each new NFT is a direct response to community engagement and interest, allowing the story to develop organically and responsively.

Narrative Depth and Personal Connection:

  • Deep Narrative Engagement: By purchasing a PFP within this system, members gain more than just digital ownership—they become active participants in a story that expands with each new character. This engagement makes each NFT a living element of the tale, growing in depth and complexity as the family tree evolves.

  • Character Integration: Each Kami character's story is designed to reflect their connection to both the preceding and subsequent characters. This not only enhances the value of each NFT but also enriches the collective narrative, making the overall experience deeply immersive and personally significant.

A New Paradigm in NFT Collections:

  • Family-Driven Narrative Expansion: The family tree membership system encourages members to promote and engage with the story actively, further intertwining their own fortunes with the fate of the characters they hold. This synergy between financial incentives and narrative involvement is pioneering, setting MOEs Elite Rewards apart in the digital art and storytelling marketplace.

Exclusive Family Benefits:

  • Shared Storytelling Authority: Members of the highest tiers, such as the Elite Vanguard and Exotic Council, are not just financial stakeholders but also narrative co-creators. They have significant influence over the development of the story, with their decisions echoing through the collection and shaping the journey of Zentharis.

  • Exclusive Family Development: The design of the family tree membership system promotes a community that grows together both financially and creatively. By tying each new Kami to the previous ones, members see their fortunes and stories interlinked, enhancing their commitment to the project’s success and continuity. This approach not only ensures sustained engagement but also enhances the value of each NFT as part of a larger, dynamic tale.

In Conclusion:

MOEs Elite Rewards is more than a family tree membership system; it's a pioneering platform for interactive storytelling where each member’s involvement has a direct impact on the unfolding narrative and their financial outcomes. This system enriches the experience, making each member a pivotal part of the continuous evolution of the Zentharis universe.

Revolutionary Storytelling Model:

  • Unique Interconnected Tales:

    The MOEs Elite Rewards system pioneers an innovative approach to storytelling within the NFT space. In this model, each character is intricately linked to the one preceding and following them, weaving a continuous thread of shared narratives within the family tree. This dynamic allows each NFT owner to not only possess a piece of art but to also hold a crucial fragment of a larger, evolving tale.

Handcrafted PFPs:

  • Exclusive, Handmade Artistry:

    Unlike standard NFT drops that release vast collections in one go, MOEs Elite Rewards introduces a bespoke approach. Each PFP is meticulously handcrafted, emphasizing quality and uniqueness. This craftsmanship ensures that every piece is not only a work of art but a personalized segment of the overarching narrative.

  • Minting Upon Purchase:

    To preserve exclusivity and maintain narrative integrity, PFPs are minted as they are sold, directly contributing to the heritage chain. This method ensures that each new NFT is a direct response to community engagement and interest, allowing the story to develop organically and responsively.

Narrative Depth and Personal Connection:

  • Deep Narrative Engagement:

    By purchasing a PFP within this system, members gain more than just digital ownership—they become active participants in a story that expands with each new character. This engagement makes each NFT a living element of the tale, growing in depth and complexity as the family tree evolves.

  • Character Integration:

    Each Kami character's story is designed to reflect their connection to both the preceding and subsequent characters. This not only enhances the value of each NFT but also enriches the collective narrative, making the overall experience deeply immersive and personally significant.

A New Paradigm in NFT Collections:

  • Family-Driven Narrative Expansion:

    The family tree membership system encourages members to promote and engage with the story actively, further intertwining their own fortunes with the fate of the characters they hold. This synergy between financial incentives and narrative involvement is pioneering, setting MOEs Elite Rewards apart in the digital art and storytelling marketplace.

Exclusive Family Benefits:

  • Shared Storytelling Authority:

    Members of the highest tiers, such as the Elite Vanguard and Exotic Council, are not just financial stakeholders but also narrative co-creators. They have significant influence over the development of the story, with their decisions echoing through the collection and shaping the journey of Zentharis.

Exclusive Family Development:

The design of the family tree membership system promotes a community that grows together both financially and creatively. By tying each new Kami to the previous ones, members see their fortunes and stories interlinked, enhancing their commitment to the project’s success and continuity. This approach not only ensures sustained engagement but also enhances the value of each NFT as part of a larger, dynamic tale.

In Conclusion:

MOEs Elite Rewards is more than a family tree membership system; it's a pioneering platform for interactive storytelling where each member’s involvement has a direct impact on the unfolding narrative and their financial outcomes. This system enriches the experience, making each member a pivotal part of the continuous evolution of the Zentharis universe.